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Court Set up at Memorial Gym
Pickleball Continues to GROW in Sanford/Springvale and surrounding communities. KEEP MOVING

Official Indoor Play Starts on Monday Sept. 30
Door #3 - No Registration is Needed.  Pay as you Play at the Gym.  Memorial Gym, 678 Main Street, Sanford, ME 04073 Door #3.

 It is played weekly throughout the winter and summer months.  WE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY - WE HAVE LIMITED EQUIPMENT FOR PUBLIC USE  (please don't come if you are feeling sick)

New Players: We require new players to the game to receive one hour of instruction before playing with the group - effective March 1, 2023 cost for Non-Residents new player 1 hour instruction is $10. Instruction is free to Residents. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the days this will be offered from 9-10 and then you will be able to play. There is no cost for residents other than the $5/day charge. Beginner paddles will be available for all to use and try. Roger can set up a time for your "learn to play" instruction by emailing him at

Parking is available in the rear of the building. Use Door 3 - Memorial Gym, 678 Main St., Sanford, ME 04073 (please do not park right next to the building in the back as this area is for Office Administrators only - thank you)  

Please use the rear entrance of the Memorial Gym (Door 3), with just a few steps up, which leads to a small foyer at gym level and a changing room on the right. This room will be especially useful on wet/snow weather days. Wet shoes will not be allowed in the gym. There is a long bleacher which will allow for seating and gym bags.

The cost will be $5/person/day. As you enter the gym there will be a table with a container to collect money and a sign in sheet that is mandatory! Also MANDATORY is the Parks and Rec Release Form. This must be signed "once a year" by all who participate at the Memorial Gym for this program. The program runs from Sept 30, 2024-Sept. 2025. Please folks, no coins!

Fall Hours: September 30 through Mid May:
-Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sun from 9-12 (Mon,Fri, 6 courts for 3.0 rated) (Tue, Thu, Beginners/Intermediates all courts) (Sun Open Play) 678 Main St., Sanford ME
-Wed. 8am-10:45am (6 courts for 3.0 rated) 678 Main St. Sanford
Wed and Fri 5pm-8pm (Open Play) 678 Main St., Sanford ME
New this year 2024/25 Season: all 3.5 rated players will be playing M,W,F at the Nasson Gym from 9-noon. 3.5 rated players please pay your fee of $5/person at the Nasson gym 457 Main St, Springvale.

Summer Hours: Mid May through Mid September: (out door play is at Carpentier Park (82 High St., Sanford) and runs from 9-12 M,W and F) Indoor play for those who don't like the heat/cold or wind come to the Memorial Gym on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00am - 12:00pm. Cost is $5/day.

Check out this video for Pickleball Basics

Pickleball Scoring video (me-you-who)   Roger's Cell 207-432-2749

General Information
  • Cost is just $5 day - Registration online not needed - just pay supervisor on duty.
  • Any and all may take advantage of this program. We will teach you how to play!
  • Roger Huppe and Friends have been helping to organize and set up play.
  • -SUMMER months we may or may not play at the Carpentier Park Pickleball Courts: Mornings and Afternoons (Starting in May)
  • -WINTER months we play at the Memorial Gym located on Main Street. New this year 2024/25 season, 3.5 Rated players play at Nasson Gym.
  • - Indoor Play: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sun from 9-12 noon. Wed from 8am-10:45am. Wed and Fri Eves from 5-8pm. (Please see detailed times for ratings above)
  • We will not be meeting on the day before Thanksgiving.
  • Please join Roger, Ernie, Chris Patrick, Patty Adams Larry Tracey, Jim McNally and Marilyn Fraser.

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Pickleball 2024/25 Drop-In 
50y - 100y N/A SuMTuWThF  07/26/2024 - 06/20/2025
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Veteran's Memorial Gym - Full Court
$5.00 Res, $5.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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